About this Blog

Continuing another chapter in my quest to immerse myself in this whole social media bandwagon. Welcome to my blog. I hope to share with you insights into my take on this thing called life. 

I am an Independent Financial Advisor by trade, so I will post a lot of industry related topics, and stories. My goal is to blog about relevant information that I come across in my business that could help people out.

I will try to mix it up with some personal experience, so you can get a feel of how I work with my clients, and the person that I am. Hopefully, you get something informative or uplifting every time you visit.  Enjoy.

  1. IT
    October 29, 2009 at 4:35 pm

    Hey Rufino (and family),

    Very awesome blog. I really enjoy reading the abundant financial feedback and it is also wonderful to hear your publicly personal side. I used to read MSN money but I think I found my landing place right amongst your entries. Keep it up! Tell the family I said hi and I hope to see you guys! Looking forward to the continued success of your blog.


    • October 29, 2009 at 4:45 pm

      Hey you. Thanks for stoping by and reading my blog. Your awesome!! Yes, I hope to put in more topics that have relevance. Hope to keep seing you here more often. I’ll let the fam know you said hello. Take care.

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