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My Pride and Joy



For the parents….Ever get to the point when you stop and just think about your life?  The other day I was on Facebook, and a friend started chatting with me about how single life is like for him. He started telling me about the thrill of the chase with the ladies, the late night outings, and the freedom to do whatever and wherever….no restrictions.

I then start to reminisce my “single” days…how carefree my life was; then your mind starts to wonder…oh the joy 🙂  Then suddenly, a scream of my son yells “Dad!! where are you?”  In an instant, those thoughts went away as I ran upstairs to comfort an almost asleep 6-year-old. As I look into his sleeping face, it reminded me that I have joy…a different type of joy.  A different type of chase (Maybe around the house as we play around), a different type of late nights (Maybe a movie night that pushes sleep time to 11 pm), and the freedom to do things together whatever and wherever, as long as we are all together…yes that type of joy.

Yeah, I will admit that I do from time to time think about the “single” days. But, what I have now for me, gives me purpose and meaning.  The unselfishness that you have to give for someone who rely on you, truly outweighs any desire to be carefree… unrestricted….single. 

When I got back to chat with my friend, he finally admitted that he wants what I have…a family of his own. See, everyone wants a piece of something of what the others have. It’s human nature. It’s understanding what you want in life,  and appreciating what you have,  then making the best of it that create Joy.  For me, this picture tells it all…he is our life, he is our joy.

Categories: Uncategorized
  1. janice timbol
    October 6, 2009 at 10:12 pm

    Beautifully said. Thank you so much.I don’t know why but you made me teared up. Yes, it is certainly different having someone connected to you.It makes you more of a giver and less selfish in life. I may not have much but i have all what i need right now,my family…

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